I Want To Be Somebody New

“If you are anything like me, your past is filled with failed attempts at your seasonal definition of greatness, littered with triumphant tries that amounted to nothing, and piled up with genius ideas and plans that never launched due to inaction.”

January is about to close out, are you the new ideal you yet? You know — your ideal self.

The ideal self is taking the idea and thoughts of things you want to do or how you want to be and becoming those things.

I find this thought process disturbing.

Why are there so many people that are either so unhappy with who they are, or don’t have a clue who they are, to the point that they say: I want to be somebody new?

When I was a younger kid (because I am still a kid, just bigger, with a beard and bills and many leather bound books) my mom would read me a Dr. Seuss book, I Want To Be Somebody New by Robert Lopshire.

It’s a story about a Seuss-size talking cat named Spot explaining to a couple of children how he thinks he would be happier if he were somebody different than himself. He transforms into many different animals but just can’t get it right; he fails at being an animal other than himself, and the children he is showing this trick to are not convinced that being something other than himself is the right way to live.

Spot’s mantra throughout the entire story is, “I want to be somebody new.” In the end, the children convince him that he should just be himself — he is enough, he is unique, he is worthy — and it’s what makes him special.

It can be difficult to feel accepting of yourself. After all, who knows your mistakes, flaws, and failures better than you? We can be our own worst critic, our own worst enemy, and even our own reason for not pursuing the progress that would make us the happiest.
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Goal Setting Trend for 2017 – STOP DOING IT

With 2016 coming to a close and 2017 firing up, the thing that becomes top-of-mind to many is goal setting and New Year’s resolutions. The gyms get packed out with sweaty, carb starved people getting summer ready. Some plan to take that long dreamed of trip, buy that book they didn’t read last year and promise they will this year, or finally get their resume ready and find that job that will make them happy. Guys plan to treat her right and grab flowers and wine, girls plan to use that Cosmo “how to please your man” article. Yet, according to a study published in the University of Scranton Journal of Clinical Psychology, 92% of people fail to achieve their resolutions…

So, what’s the proposed solution? F@#K SETTING GOALS!

Well, not exactly.

In 2009, one year in to building my business, I stopped approaching goal setting like a dreamy resolutioner and stopped planning everything out as though it was in my control to do so. The impact of seizing moments was dramatic on my feeling of self fulfillment as an entrepreneur AND it empowered me to take my $800 website and create over $200,000 in steady annual revenue – as a one man show, from home, in my mid 20s.

Setting goals is tough, accomplishing them is even tougher.

If it’s not because we can be our own worst enemy in the process of hitting the target, then it is because the world around us is in a constant state of chaotic change and uncertainty at every turning moment.

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